World Water Day and You

Mar 22, 2022

What is World Water Day?

At Arnett’s Water Systems, we value clean, safe water and wholeheartedly support water conservation efforts. And, we hope you will join all of us at Arnett’s Water Systems in observing World Water Day on March 22. 

First celebrated in 1993, this United Nations event highlights the importance of safe drinking water. In the United States, it is easy for the most part, to take water for granted. Yet, nearly 2.2 billion people around the world lack access to clean water. This day is about taking action to tackle the global water crisis and achieving the goal of safe water for all by 2030.

Groundwater – An Invisible Resource 

This year, the focus of World Water Day is groundwater (water stored in the earth’s pores and cracks below our feet). It is an important but invisible resource. Most of the earth’s available freshwater is groundwater. 

During dry years in California, groundwater contributes up to 46% of the statewide annual supply and serves as a critical buffer against the impacts of drought and climate change. About 85% of Californians depend on groundwater for some portion of their water supply and some communities rely entirely on groundwater for drinking water. 

How to Observe World Water Day

Groundwater is, unfortunately, vulnerable to contamination. And, groundwater contamination can last for decades and be difficult and expensive to clean up. 

Here are some things that individuals and families can do to help!


  • Properly dispose of all waste; don’t dump chemicals down drains or on the ground.
  • Keep lids of waste dumpsters closed to prevent rainwater washing materials out of them.


  • Safely store all chemicals and fuels.
  • Don’t dump chemicals down drains or on the ground.
  • Avoid using pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
  • Don’t flush unwanted or out-of-date medications down the toilet or drain. 


  • Pick up after pets.
  • Fix leaks that drop from cars and put liners in driveways to collect oil and other materials.
  • Use native plants in your landscaping.


  • Organize a cleanup day at a local water source.
  • Support protection legislation and programs.

Don’t Settle for Less, Get Better Water

In San Diego, we don’t really worry about the quality of our drinking water. We turn on the tap and relatively clean water comes out.  According to the 2020 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report, San Diego’s drinking water meets EPA standards.

Even though your tap water has been treated, the treatments don’t capture all contaminants or disinfection byproducts of treatment that may be a health risk. 

The best way to ensure that you have safe drinking water is to invest in a high-quality water filter. You’ll gain peace of mind not having to worry about the quality of your drinking water. 

Contact us today for a free estimate on a whole-house water filtration system. We’ll help you find the perfect solution for your budget and water treatment needs. 

Experience the difference with better water.