August 2021: Water Quality and You August is National Water Quality Month. As we enjoy the last of summer with visits to rivers, lakes and oceans, it makes sense to draw attention to the importance of having clean water. Clean water is vital to our health, our...
Water Purification with the New Sola Pure Filter A quick Google search for under-the-counter water filters and purifiers will yield pages and pages of products and information. It’s hard to stand out in a crowd, but, once in a while, an awesome product grabs our...
Can You Trust the Quality of Your Drinking Water? All of us want to believe that our drinking water is perfectly safe…but is it really? We’re all familiar with the Flint, Michigan water system disaster in 2014. It sparked national interest in the quality of water that...
How to Conserve Water During a Drought Break out your sweaters, everyone! It’s November, and the first storm of the fall season is bringing the San Diego area some much-needed rain! It’s the first time we’ve received measurable rain since June. However, despite this...
What’s Really in Your Water? And Why Should You Care? You turn on the tap, water comes out, and it is healthy enough to drink. But is it, really? Let’s look at the journey water takes from its source to your home. First, water comes from a variety of sources...
Beer: It’s All About the Water It’s October and what do all beer lovers think about? Oktoberfest, shouts of “prost” and mugs of beer, of course! A brief history lesson – the occasion for the first Oktoberfest was the wedding of the Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig to...