Beer: It’s All About the Water

Oct 5, 2020

It’s October and what do all beer lovers think about? Oktoberfest, shouts of “prost” and mugs of beer, of course!

A brief history lesson – the occasion for the first Oktoberfest was the wedding of the Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig to Princess Therese of Sachsen-Hildburghausen in 1810. The citizens of Munich gathered to celebrate the happy event. On October 12, 1810, the festivities began and ended five days later. People had so much fun that the festivities were repeated in the following years. Eventually, food and drink were introduced. And by the late 20th century, food and drink booths had transformed into large beer halls.

Today, each Munich brewer erects one of the temporary structures, with seating capacities of around 6,000. Total beer consumption during Oktoberfest is more than two million gallons! The festival is now held in September, possibly because the weather in Munich is better at this time of year. But no matter the month – the subject here today is beer and what makes it great. 

What Makes Beer Taste Great?

It turns out the old Olympia Brewing slogan “it’s the water” is right! Since beer is 90% water, it has a dramatic effect on taste. Water makes the difference between a good and a great beer. Historically, beer makers used local water to brew beer. This created regional differences around the world. We now associate different styles of beer with particular locations.

Today, most municipal water is treated with chlorine or chloramine (chlorine and ammonia). This makes it “safe to drink.”  

But both chlorine and chloramine do unpleasant things to the taste of beer. These chemicals need to be removed in order for your beer not to taste like medicine (or worse)! Chloramine also prevents yeast from not fermenting properly. If you are a homebrewer and want to make great beer, you cannot use tap water!

So how do you remove these chemicals from tap water? The solution is to install a whole house carbon activated filter. This filter is specifically designed to remove these harsh chemicals. This leaves you with a stable starting point from which to create your beer. Installing a carbon filter lets you safely sanitize beer making equipment, as well.

How Does Carbon Filtration Work?

Ancient Egyptians knew of carbon’s detoxifying powers by 3750 B.C. Several other cultures used charcoal for water treatment by 400 B.C. Sailors charred the inside of water barrels to preserve the water for ocean voyages. We still use carbon today to remove contaminants from water. Making foods and beverages taste and smell better. And making water healthier to drink.

Most whole house water filtration systems purify water with a charcoal or charcoal coconut cleansing process. Yes, coconut shells are used, making this method the most renewable! 

Here’s the process of an active charcoal filter: water passes through the activated carbon granules. Then impurities are trapped in these small spaces through absorption. Chemical contaminants trapped in this stage include chlorine, pesticides, solvents, and heavy metals. Therefore, only clean water flows into your house. Or into your brew!

Whole house water filtration systems may be installed in a matter of hours. They’re small and easily mounted next to your home’s other plumbing-related fixtures.

Arnett’s Water Systems Can Help

Whether you’re a homebrewer or just want healthy, good tasting water without contaminants, we can install a water filtration system that works for you! We also offer financing options for all water treatment systems. Contact our experts today by emailing [email protected] or by calling us at 619) 223-1209.